Aug 20, 2011

About indian cow

Hindu Religion

Hindu Religion
Even the gods pray to the cow. She contains the divinity of all the Gods. A pious day starts with her worship. She has prominence in various religious festivals. Sankranti and Deepavali are specially cow related festivals. Cow products are essential in different religious rituals. Thus, cow is integral part of our life.
Cow in Vedas and Puranas
upanishadयः पौरुषेण क्रविषा समंक्ते यो अश्वेन पशुना यातुधानः 
ये अघ्न्याये भरति क्षीरमग्ने तेषां शीर्षाणि हरसापि वृश्चः 
Oh fire god, with your flames burn the heads of those demons who eat the meat of humans, animals like horse and cow, and those who steal cows’ milk. (Rik Samhita 87 – 161)
प्रजापतिर्मह्यमेता रराणो विश्वैर्देवैः पितृभिः संविदानः ।
शिवाः सतीरुप नो गोष्ठमाकस्तासां वयं प्रजया संसदेम ॥
May the supreme Lord, complemented by all the Gods, create auspicious and spacious cowsheds for our happiness and populate them with cows and calves. Let us rejoice the cow-wealth and contend by serving those cows. (Rik Samhita 10 – 169 – 4)
सा विश्वाय़ूः सा विश्वकर्मा सा विश्वधायाः।
That cow would augment the life span of the sages involved in the sacrifices and the doer of the sacrifices. Cow coordinates all the rituals of the sacrifices. By providing offerings like milk, cow nourishes all the Gods of the sacrifices.  (Shulka Yajurveda 1-4)
आ गावो अग्मन्नुत भद्रकम्रन् सीदंतु गोष्मेरणयंत्वस्मे ।
प्रजावतीः पुरुरूपा इहस्स्युरिंद्राय पूर्वीरुष्सोदुहानाः ॥
यूयं गावो मे दयथा कृशं चिदश्रीरं चित्कृणुथा सुप्रतीकम् ।
भद्र गृहं कृणुथ भद्रवाचो बृहद्वो वय उच्यते सभासु ॥
Oh Cows! With your milk and ghee you make the physically weak strong, and nurture the sick to health. With your sacred utterances, you chastise our homes. Your glory is discussed in gatherings. (Atharvana Veda 4-21-11 and 6)
वशां देवा उपजीवंति वशां मनुष्या उप ।
वशेदं सर्वं भवतु यावतु सूर्यो विपश्यति ॥
The Gods and men live on cow products. Till the Sun shines, the universe will have Cows. The whole universe depends on the support of cow. (Atharvana Veda 10-10-34)
सा नो मंद्रेषमूर्जम् दुहाना ।
धेनुर्वा गस्मानुष सुष्टुतैतु ॥
She is Kamadhenu – the divine cow that fulfils all our desires. Her body is of cow and face is of a woman. She was born before the amrutha when the ocean was churned. Her hair exudes fragrance. From her udder she showers Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. She is an abode to self-knowledge, shelters, Sun, Moon and Fire God. All the Gods and the living beings depend on her. She provides us with food and supreme knowledge even when we mildly pray. Let her be near us.
पीतोदका जग्धतृणा दुग्धदेहा निरिंद्रियाः ।
आनंदा नाम तेलोकस्तान् स गच्चति ता ददत् ॥
These cows have eaten grass and have taken water. They have been milked. They are past reproductive age. One who donates these old cows will go to place of darkness devoid of pleasures. Instead, donate me. (Kathopanishat – Nachiketa tells sage Vajashravas during Vishwajit Yaga)
गोकुलस्य तृषार्तस्य जलार्थे वसुधाधिपः ।
उत्पादयति यो विघ्नं तं विद्याद्ब्रह्मघातिनम् ॥
Obstructing provision of water to thirsty cows should be considered equal to the sin of killing Brahmins. (Mahabharata, Anushasana Parva 24-7)
गवां मूत्रपुरीषस्य नोद्विजेत कथंचन ।
न चासां मांसमश्नीयाद्गवां पुष्टिं तथाप्नुयात् ॥
Do not hesitate to consume cow urine and cow dung – they are sacred. But one should never eat the cow meat. A person becomes stronger by consuming Panchagavya.  (Mahabharata, Anushasana Parva 78-17)
गावो ममाग्रतो नित्यं गावः पृष्ठत एव च ।
गावो मे सर्वतश्चैव गवां मध्ये वसाह्यहम् ॥
Let there be cows in front of me, behind me and all around me. I live with the cows. (Mahabharata, Anushasana Parva 80-3)
दानानामपि सर्वेषां गवां दानं प्रशस्यते ।
गावः श्रेष्ठाः पवित्राश्च पावनं ह्येतदुत्तमम् ॥
Donation of cows is superior to all others. Cows are supreme and sacred. (Mahabharata, Anushasana Parva 83-3)
सर्वोपनिषदो गावो दोग्धा गोपालनंदनः ।
पार्थो वत्सः सुधीर्भोक्तादुग्धं गीतामृतः महत् ॥
Bhagavad-Gita is the essence of Upanishads. It is like a cow whom Srikrishna milks. Arjuna is like a calf. The learned devotees are drinking the ambrosial milk of Bhagavad-Gita.
गौर्मे माता वृषभः पिता मे दिवं शर्म जगते मे प्रतिष्ठा ।
Cow is my mother and ox my father. Let the pair bless me with happiness in this world and bliss in heaven. I depend on cow for my life – thus stating one should surrender to cow.
गावो बंधुर्मनुष्याणां मनुष्याबांधवा गवाम् ।
गौः यस्मिन् गृहेनास्ति तद्बंधुरहितं गृहम् ॥
Cows are the abode of the Goddess of wealth. Sins don’t touch them. There exists a fine relationship between man and cow. A home without a cow is like one without dear ones. (Padmapurana)
वागिंद्रियस्वरूपायै नमः ।
वाचावृत्तिप्रद्दयिन्यै नमः ॥
अकारादिक्षकारांतवैखरीवक्स्वरूपिण्य़ै नमः ॥
By the service of the cow and consuming cow products, awareness and spirit, both enhance. (Atri Samhita 310)
यन्न वेद्ध्वनिध्यांतं न च गोभिरलंकृतम् ।
यन्नबालैः परिवृतं श्मशानमिव तद्गृहम् ॥
The house where Vedas are not chanted, where cows are not seen where children are not around it is like a graveyard. (Vishnusmriti)
गोमूत्रगोमयं सर्पि क्षीरं दधि च रोचना ।
षदंगमेतत् परमं मांगल्यं सर्वदा गवाम् ॥
Cow’s urine, dung, milk, ghee, curd and gorochana – these six are the most auspicious products.

Medicinal values of Cow urine

Medicinal values of Cow urine
  • Urea : Product of protein metabolism. Strong antimicrobial agent.
  • Uric Acid : Anti microbail activity helps to control cancer.
  • Nitrogen : Diuretic, stimulates kidney
  • Sulphur : Purifies blood, increases intestinal peristalsis
  • Copper : Controls fat deposition
  • Iron : Production of RBC in blood
  • Sodium : Purifies blood, checks hyperacidity
  • Potassium : Appetizer, eliminates muscles fatigue
  • Other salts : Antibacterial, prevents comma and ketoacids
  • Carbolic Acid : Antibacterial, prevents gas gangrenes
  • Ammonia : Integrity of body tissue and blood
  • Sugar-Lactose : Heart, thirst, giddiness
  • Vitamin A,B.C,D, E : Prevent excessive thirst, infuse vigour, increase potency
  • Creatinine : Antibacterial
  • Swarna Kshar : Antibacterial, improves immunity (aurum hydroxide) acts as antidote
  • Enzyme-urokinase : Dissolve blood clot, improves heart disease, blood circulation
  • Colony stimulating factor : Effective for cell division and multiplication
  • Erythropoietin stimulating factor : Production of RBCs
  • Gonadotropin : Promotes menstrual cycle, sperm production
  • Kallikrein : Releases Kallidin which expands peripheral veins and reduces blood pressure.
  • Allantoin : Heals wounds and tumors
  • Anticancer substances : Prevents multiplication of carcinogenic cells
  • Phenols : Bactericidal, antifungal


Joys of Cow Based Farming

cropIndian agriculture has variety. There is no farm-product that we don’t cultivate. Our land grows all kinds of grains, pulses, vegetables, fruits, flowers, cotton and silk.
About 70% of our population has embraced agriculture as profession. Majority of them are small farmers, owning one or two acres of land.
Our agricultural landscape is diverse and vivid – in land topology, soil type and quality, irrigation method and frequency of harvesting.
Cattle are integral part of this huge canvas of agriculture. We use oxen to plough, to pick and move harvested crops, in irrigation, cow manure as fertiliser, and cow urine as insecticide.
Unique Role of Cow in Agriculture :

Cow Based AgricultureCow Based Agriculture

  • In our country with small holdings and small scale farming, there is no better alternative to employing cattle in farming.
  • While ploughing, the oxen stride with gentle gait, not harming the surface of the earth, unlike tractors.
  • Even as they plough the land, the oxen defecate and urinate, fertilising the land.
  • Cattle Manure : organic manure, green leaf manure, earth-worms, and slurry manure with cattle manure bond with the nature and make the land fertile. They do not create the challenge of chemical waste.
  • 99% of the insects in nature are beneficial to the system. Insecticides prepared from cow urine or well fermented butter milk do not affect these helpful insects.
  • Dung from one cow is adequate to fertilise 5 acres of land and its urine is can protect 10 acres of crop from insects.
  • As per the Supreme Court, cow dung produced by one oxen can support a family for 4 years.
  • Oxen do not pollute the atmosphere.

Vetiver Systems for Rural livelihood and Prosperity

Vetiver Systems for Rural livelihood and Prosperity

by ~ September 19th, 2009.

Usheera GrassUsheera Grass

Usheera or Lavancha is known to Indians for at least five thousand years. But this less explored Indian grass went abroad just 25 years ago. Now people from more than 25 countries are teaching us to how to use it for organic farming to Tsunami prevention.
Ramayana stories teach us how twins of Lord Rama were brought up by sages. They were named after two living beings of Nature.  The word Lava literally means a type of small bird. Kusha is a grass type. Even today an aromatic rooted grass Vetiver, having a shape of Darbha grass is called as Khus grass in Hindi. The original word derives from it’s Sanskrit root Kusha. The Hindi word Khus means joy and happiness. Thus the aromatic root of Vetiver is considered to be not only useful in Vedic rituals but also as grass to bring happiness. As a matter of fact this grass has number of functions to conserve our nature. It is a life saving drug. It is a panacea for all problems of Environment and farming.
A grass which can have its aerial blade growth up to two meters can have its root as deep as 10 meters! People often call it as living nail. This is a fact without any exaggeration. Imagine a height of one coconut tree under the ground. This is the depth of matted grass reach underneath the ground! Thus the soil binding and water harvest capacity of your land is facilitated by planting Vetiver in your village or farming land.  Even bulldozers can not uproot its strong deep root systems. So this can definitely work as a “living nail” particularly in sea coasts not only to prevent Sea erosion in Monsoon months, but also dreaded Psunami currents! Many experiments with the cultivation of Vetiver  to prevent land slides has also yielded. It keeps soil intact. Cement uses reduce greatly.
Other uses of Vetiver plant is hereunder:
  • The well grown plants yield lot of herbage in the form of leaves. This is very good material for mulching.
  • The tender leaf is a wonderful grass. It can be used as a very good fodder for livestock. It enriches quantity and quality of milk.
  • The grass blade is used for thatching roof at villages. Such friendly sheds and houses are very useful to prevent cement use in excess.
  • The grass blade is a good source of raw material for handicrafts. It can also be used for making hand made paper. Thus it is good resource for rural employment generation.
  • The root systems are very powerful to rejuvenate soil. It can improve soil fertility. It can also convert fallow lands in to fertile in course of time.
  • Vetiver grass can be grown in contaminated water. It can definitely work as a natural water purifier. So heavy metals of water can be purified using Vetiver. This is good in case of industrial sewage water flows in to fertile land.
  • Aromatic oil distilled from root is very expensive. It has good market potentials.
  • Roots are considered as a very good medicine in Ayurveda. It is used in Human and livestock medicine. Hyperacidity, piles, Bleeding disorders, Skin diseases, any problem with urinary tract is cured by employing various medicines containing Vetiver root.
  • Senegal farmers are finding very good yield, increased out put in many horticultural crops which are mixed with cultivation of Vetiver grass. Mr. Tony Cisse, a farmer says that the fruit trees are to be covered with this grass in the ground. This facilitates increased absorption of nutrients. It also helps for optimal water conservation.
  • Vettiver can sustain any hostile climate or situation. It can be grown in rain shadowed area also in view of making land fertile. Even mine dump can facilitate the growth of this soil. Thus the mined soil can be converted as useful soil gradually. Water clogged area, seacoast can also be ideal. Even if fire destroys the areal part, roots can generate shoot system.
  • Diluted Vetiver root oil is working as a very good pesticide. It can be employed to prevent many plant pathogens. It is also good termite repellent.  Leaf concoction is also mild fungicidal. Roots can also be used to prevent microorganisms. It can be used in the form of fumigation.
  • Leaf of this grass is very good raw material for vermi compost.
Aditi Organic Certifications Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore – Dr. Sathyanarayana Bhat & Mr. Narayana Upadhyaya

Sixth Sense of Cow
Cow has a sharp sixth sense. As per an epic story, the cow could once talk. It predicted an impending accident to its master and helped him avoid it. The God then made the cow dumb for changing what was destined.
Cows respond to the joy and suffering of people. There are many examples of cows shedding tears and even refusing food empathising with their masters.
Sensing Danger :
  • Lathur in Maharashtra had a devastating earthquake on 30 September 1993. Devani breed of cows in that place had been behaving strange, crying and jumping around a few days before this as a warning to the people. We could not decipher the message.
  • Similar things happened before Tsunami in 2004 too. Then, Baraguru, Amblacheri and Kangayam breed of cows behaved strangely. We could not get the message again.



Characteristics of Cow
Overall Characteristics :

Indian Cow BreedIndian Cow Breed

  • The Indian cow belongs to Bass Indicus variety.
  • High shoulder, flappy under-neck, and Suryaketu nerve on the back are easy differentiators of the variety.
  • It is believed that Suryaketu nerve absorbs medicinal essences from atmosphere and makes milk, urine and cow dung more nourishing.
Skin :
  • High shoulder, flappy hanging dewlaps under-neck, and long ears increase the area of skin that sweats and keeps the body cooler. This is apt for our climate.
  • Sweat glands are wider and the sweat is aromatic, protecting from monsoon-insects.
  • The cow drives away insects by swift muscle movements
  • With small hair, skin remains clean.
  • With all these uniqueness, an Indian ox can work with comfort in rain and shine.
Tail :
  • Long enough to touch ground.
  • Tail joint is unique and allows swirling around till the neck.
  • It also swats flies and insects.
Hoof :
  • Joined, does not gather twigs and dirt.
  • Indian ox has smaller and strong hoof. This is suited for ploughing and pulling cart.
  • Some of the Indian varieties can work without horse-shoes.
  • Unlike tractor, the ox does not harden the top soil and kill the helpful insects.
Chromosome :
  • Different actions and features of the body are controlled by chromosomes.
  • As a cow would always have adequate quantity of chromosome, there is no infertility for generations.
Life Activities :
  • Basal metabolic rate(BMR) is the amount of energy expended while at rest in a neutrally temperate environment.
  • Indian cow has a lower BMR. In draught it can survive with small quantity of food. Though it becomes weaker then, it recovers fast when it gets nourishment.
  • Such temporary difficulties do not later affect its milk yield or fertility.
Immunity to Disease :
  • Cows are born with immunity to diseases. There is no difference between the ones grazing in the fields or kept in the sheds.
  • This reduces the expenditure on their medical care.
  • For this reason, America and Europe import Indian cows, cross breed with local variety to improve their immunity.
Efficiency :
  • Indian ox has strong muscles and long legs. They work for long hours in difficult conditions.
  • High shoulder holds the plough well.
Caring :
  • Cows can be housed in very ordinary shed and even under a tree.
  • Some Indian varieties require very little food.
  • In villages they generally roam around fields and forests through the day.
Milk :

Gir - Best Milking BreedGir – Best Milking Breed

  • Some Indian breed cows give up to 20 litres of milk per day.
  • Main varieties of Indian milch cows are Gir, Sahival, Tharparker, Rati and Sindhi.
  • We can improve other breeds by better care and nourishment.
Panchagavya :
  • Constitutes cow urine, cow dung, milk, curd and ghee.
  • Used as food, medicine, manure and insecticide.
  • They increase immunity to diseases.
  • Without side effects, they fight cancer, hypertension, skin diseases, and urinary diseases.



An Intimate introduction of Cow


For those of us who grew up in villages, mention of cow brings nostalgia.  Our dawn was through the cowshed beside the house. Milking cows was a loving early morning ritual for the mothers. Mother would move to the shed with a shining pot, lovingly stroke the cow on its back, calling it with its favourite name. The milk that the cow spared for the household nourished the whole family, especially the children, even like it nurtured its own calf.
The cow is a moving temple, being abode of thirty three crore Gods of the Hindu pantheon. She has given sacred Panchagavya with immense medicinal value and is a moving hospital.
Cow is the mother of the universe (Gavo Vishwasya Matharaha). She helps in agriculture, transportation, food, medicine, industry, sports, religious functions, emotional stability, economy, etc. From time immemorial, cow has a special place in Indian society.



Role of Cow in the Battlefield
Apart from responding to our daily needs, cows have fought for us in battlefields!
Recorded Battles :
  • When Hyder Ali was ruling the Mysore State, the Nizam of Hyderabad attacked Chitradurga Fort. Hyder Ali had a fleet of Amrit Mahal oxen in his army! He tied burning torches to the horns of 237 of these oxen and let them attack Nizam’s army, resulting in the defeat of 3,000 strong attacking army.
  • Captain Javinson had Amrit Mahal oxen in his brigade in Afghanistan. As recorded by him, when his troop travelled in narrow valleys of Teri hills in 1842, the oxen were cheerful even after pulling the carts for 16 continuous hours.
  • Commanding Officer Lord Wellesley credits the Amrit Mahal oxen for his victory over Napoleon in Pensular War.
  • Amrit Mahal oxen were part of the troop deployed in Mesopotamia in First Word War (1914 – 1918). They surprised the people by walking faster than camels, crossing narrow valleys and bridges with tact, adapting to adverse weather conditions and fighting with even reduced feed.

Abode All Gods

Abode All Gods

Cow, the abode of all the Gods
Every atom in cow’s body is abode of the 33 crore Gods. All the 14 mythical worlds exist in the limbs of cow.

Cow, the abode of all the GodsCow, the abode of all the Gods

  • Brahma and Vishnu on the root of two horns
  • All the sacred reservoirs and Vedavyasa on the tips of the horns
  • Lord Shankara on the centre head
  • Parvathi on the edge of head
  • Kartikeya on the nose, Kambala and Ashwatara Devas on the nostrils
  • Ashwini Kumaras on the ears
  • Sun and Moon in the eyes
  • Vayu in dental range and Varuna on the tongue
  • Saraswathi in the sound of cow
  • Sandhya goddesses on the lips and Indra on the neck
  • Raksha Ganas on the hanging under the neck
  • Sadhya Devas in the heart
  • Dharma on the thigh
  • Gandharvas in the gap of hoofs, Pannaga at the tips, Apsaras on the sides
  • Eleven Rudras and Yama on the back, Ashtavasus in the crevices
  • Pitru Devas on the ides of umbilical joint, 12 Adityas on the stomach area
  • Soma on the tail, Sun rays on the hair, Ganga in its urine, Lakshmi and Yamuna in the dung, Saraswathi in milk, Narmada in curd, and Agni in ghee
  • 33 crore Gods in the hair
  • Prithwi in stomach, oceans in the udder, Kamadhenu in the whole body
  • Three Gunas in the root of the brows, Rishis in the pores of hair, and all the sacred lakes in the breathe.
  • Chandika on the lips and Prajapathi Brahma on the skin
  • Fragrant flowers on nostrils
  • Sadhya Devas on the arm-pit
  • Six parts of Vedas on the face, four Vedas on the feet, Yama on the top of the hoofs, Kubera and Garuda on the right, Yakshas on the left and Gandharvas inside
  • Khecharas in the fore of the foot, Narayana in intestine, mountains in the bones, Artha, Dharma, Kama and Moksha in the feet.
  • Four Vedas in the Hoom… sound

Aug 17, 2011




ORISSA, 767025, Mob:+919439422804,+918018911018

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Building construction:


  1. Production room
  2. Store (medicine)
  3. Store (raw materials)
  4. Laboratory
  5. Office
  6. Others


Furniture and electric installation:

TOTAL --------------- --------------------------------------- = Rs 5, 00,000 /-


Machinery installations:


  1. Pulping machine
  2. Crushing machine
  3. Boiler
  4. Distillation plants
  5. Microscope
  6. Sealing machines
  7. Tablet making machines
  8. Packing machines
  9. Heater

TOTAL --------------- --------------------------------------- = Rs 5, 00,000 /-





Packing Bottles and Other Packing Items

Raw materials


TOTAL --------------- --------------------------------------- = Rs 5, 00,000 /-






TOTAL --------------- --------------------------------------- = Rs 5, 00,000 /-



ALL TOTAL ------------------------------------------------------- = Rs 20, 00,000 /-


Aug 14, 2011

Dhenu Stotra

Dhenu Stotra

Dhenu Stotram
matar namaami charNaanstava paavanaascha I
sansaar naava iti yad bahu bhaava bhaktyaa II
paaram nayaashu tava putram emam surityaa I
sansaarasindhu taraNam hi tavaaShrayena II 1 II
devaascha devya iti yan nivasanti dheno I
gopujanenan nikhilascha bhavanti truptaa II
aayur ghrutam paya idam bhavatiha viryam I
matas suttaasi bahudaa shrutibhis tvamitham II 2 II
ojo dhrutihi sumatirevam ativashantihi I
dnyaanam cha bhaktirapi nityam adainyamevam II
matastvadiya payaso ghrutatas tatadstat I
vaanchchanti nityam amaraascha kimutaanya martyaha II 3 II
agniryathendhanam idam stuta panchagavyam I
paapam tathaa dahati satyam itiiha matvaa II
maataha pibanti khalu vedarataascha vipraaha I
puSNaasi paasi sakalan shudha dehaa II 4 II
yam varNayanti nikhilaaha shrutayaha sadaiva I
brahmeti kruShNa bhagwan sa hi devdvaha II
sevaam taveha krutavaan kimumaadrushaascha I
kim varNayaami tava bhaagyamito mahatmyam II 5 II
krunsevaam pratyaham bhaava bhagtyaa stotram dhenayoryaha pathetharshayuktaha I
praapya dnyaanam bhaktim aishvaryam evam dehaarogyam modate modate cha II 6 II
II iti Shri Mat ParamHansa Parivragakacharya Sadguru Bhagavata Sridhar Swamina virachitam Dhenu Stotram Sampooranam II

English Translation
Dhenu Stotram
Dhenu Stotram is in Sanskrit. It is a very beautiful creation of Shri Sridhar Swami on the auspicious day of Govatsa Dwadashi at Vardapuram Karnataka in the year 1964. Dhenu (Cow) is very pious, holy and as per our belief all Gods and Goddess have taken her shelter i.e. they live in her. Dhenu is just like our mother. Whenever we worship Dhenu they (Gods and Goddess) become pleased. This Dhenu Stotram describes why we worship Dhenu and why Dhenu is pious for us. In Diwali festival many people in India worship SaVatsa Dhenu (Cow having a Calf) on VasuBaras i.e. Aswin (Name of the Month in which Diwali is celebrated.) Krushana Dwadashi. This year we celebrated it on 3rd November 2010.
1 O! GoMata (Cow as mother)! I bow to you; being pious you make us like you. In the world in which we live, you are our boat which can lead us to the bank in a righteous way. We can live in this world filled with many difficulties and troubles; taking your shelter.
2 O! Dhenu! Gods and Goddesses live in you i.e. they have taken your shelter. They become pleased when we worship you. Vedas have also praised you in many ways. Your milk is our life energy and Ghee is the life for us.
3 O! Dhenu! Gods are always become powerful; acquire knowledge, peace, devotion, intelligence and good position because of your Milk and Ghee (prepared by milk). Hence we ordinary people can also receive all such blessings by worshiping you.
4 As Aghni (Fire) burns wood, so your Panchagavya of holy Dhenu burns our sins and purify us. Panchagavya is described as very pious and Brahmin people drink it as pious water. Dhenu you are very pious and you feed and protect us.
5 In Vedas you are described as Brahma. God Shri Krishana had served you and hence my serving you or worshiping is not of much importance or of much value. So also I am being ordinary man unable to describe your greatness and virtues.
6 Anybody worshiping Dhenu every day and serving her with devotion, chanting this Dhenu Stotram; will become happy and receive Knowledge, Wealth, Sound Health and devotion. Thus here completes Dhenu Stotram created by Sridhar Swami.