CANCER-FREE NewsletterJune 25th, 2009
Obscene Drug Markups
Radiation Hormesis -- A Wonderful Healing Regimen
Low Dose Naltrexone -- Again
**** We're Going To Italy
Welcome to this 130th issue of my newsletter. About 24 months of past issues are available at this web site. Just click on the "Newsletter Archive" link on the left of the screen. The articles tend to be "timeless," so read or reread some of them at your leisure.
Obscene Drug Markups
In case you haven't seen it, I want to publish an article by two government employees on the absolutely obscene markups on drugs in the U.S. Thank you, Robert Timm, for bringing this to my attention.
You need to know (see "Sicko") that each of the drugs on the list below is available in the UK for about the equivalent of $12 (6.95 pounds). Prices in Canada are about one-tenth of what they are here. If our new "sick care" legislation does not address this (it won't unless we get hot under the collar), we might as well not bother.
Be sure to read down to the end about Costco, Sam's Club and other discount sources.
"Did you ever wonder how much it costs a drug company for the active ingredient in prescription medications? Some people think it must cost a lot, since many drugs sell for more than $2.00 per tablet. We did a search of offshore chemical synthesizers that supply the active ingredients found in drugs approved by the FDA.
As we have revealed in past issues of 'Life Extension,' a significant percentage of drugs sold in the United State contain active ingredients made in other countries. In our independent investigation of how much profit drug companies really make, we obtained the actual price of active ingredients used in some of the most popular drugs sold in America. The chart below speaks for itself.
Celebrex 100 mg Consumer price (100 tablets): $130.27 Cost of general active ingredients: $0.60 Percen t markup: 1,712%
Claritin 10 mg Consumer Price (100 tablets): $215.17 Cost of general active ingredients: $0.71 Percent markup: 30,306%
Keflex 250 mg Consumer Price (100 tablets): $157.39 Cost of general active ingredients: $1.88 Percent markup: 8,372%
Lipitor 20 mg Consumer Price (100 tablets): $272.37 Cost of general active ingredients: $5.80 Percent markup: 4,696%
Norvasec 10 mg Consumer price (100 tablets): $188.29 Cost of general active ingredients: $0.14 Percent markup: 134,493%
Paxil 20 mg Consumer price (100 tablets): $220.27 Cost of general active ingredients: $7.60 Percent markup: 2,898%
Prevacid 30 mg Consumer price (100 tablets): $44.77 Cost of general active ingredients: $1.01 Percent markup: 34,136%
Prilosec 20 mg Consumer price (100 tablets): $360.97 Cost of general active ingredients: $0.52 Percent markup: 69,417%
Prozac 20 mg Consumer price (100 tablets): $247.47 Cost of general active ingredients: $0.11 Percent markup: 224,973%
Tenormin 50 mg Consumer price (100 tablets): $104.47 Cost of general active ingredients: $0.13 Percent markup: 80,362%
Vasotec 10 mg Consumer price (100 tablets): $10237 Cost of general active ingredients: $0.20 Percent markup: 51,185%
Xanax 1 mg Consumer price (100 tablets) : $136.79 Cost of general active ingredients: $0.024 Percent markup: 569,958%
Zestril 20 mg Consumer price (100 tablets) $89.89 Cost of general active ingredients $3.20 Percent markup: 2,809%
Zithromax 600 mg Consumer price (100 tablets): $1,482.19 Cost of general active ingredients: $18.78 Percent markup: 7,892%
Zocor 40 mg Consumer price (100 tablets): $350.27 Cost of general active ingredients: $8.63 Percent markup: 4,059%
Zoloft 50 mg Consumer price: $206.87 Cost of general active ingredients: $1.75 Percent markup: 11 ,821%
Since the cost of prescription drugs is so outrageous, I thought everyone I knew should know about this.
Please read the following and pass it on. It pays to shop around. This helps to solve the mystery as to why they can afford to put a Walgreen’s on every corner.
On Monday night, Steve Wilson, an investigative reporter for Channel 7 News in Detroit, did a story on generic drug price gouging by pharmacies. He found in his investigation, that some of these generic drugs were marked up as much as 3,000% or more.
Yes, that’s not a typo …
3000 percent! So often, we blame the drug companies for the high cost of drugs, and usually rightfully so. But in this case, the fault clearly lies with the pharmacies themselves
For example, if you had to buy a prescription drug, and bought the name brand, you might pay $100 for 100 pills. The pharmacist might tell you that if you get the generic equivalent, they would only cost $80, making you think you are 'saving' $20.
What the pharmacist is not telling you is that those 100 generic pills may have only cost him $10!
At the end of the report, one of the anchors asked Mr. Wilson whether or not there were any pharmacies that did not adhere to this practice, and he said that Costco, Sam’s Club and other discount volume stores consistently charged little over their cost for the generic drugs.
I went to the discount store’s website, where you can look up any drug and get its online price. It says that the in-store prices are consistent with the online prices.
I was appalled. Just to give you one example from my own experience, I had to use the drug, Comparing, which helps prevent nausea in chemo patients. I used the generic equivalent, which cost $54.99 for 60 pills at CVS.
I checked the price at Costco, and I could have bought 100 pills for $19.89. For 145 of my pain pills, I paid $72.57. I could have got 150 at another discount store for $28.08. I would like to mention, that although these are a 'membership' type store, you do NOT have to be a member to buy prescriptions there, as it is a federally regulated substance. You just tell them at the door that you wish to use the pharmacy, and they will let you in.
I am asking each of you to please help me by copying this letter, and passing it into your own email, and send it to everyone you know with an email address.
Sharon L. Davis, Budget Analyst, US Department of Commerce Room 6839 Office Ph: 202-482-4458; Office Fax: 202-482-5480 Email Address: sdavis@docgov
Mary Palmer, Budget Analyst, Bureau of Economic Analysis Office of Budget & Finance; Voice: (202) 606-9295"
Well, thank two wonderful government employees for saving you a lot of money. Of course, the best course of all is to avoid ALL prescription medication. Not always possible, so caveat emptor, folks.
Radiation Hormesis -- You Need To Learn About It
This week, my web talk radio show includes an interview with Ray Gutierrez. Ray is a helicopter mechanic by trade who has turned into a powerful healer after his discovery of the wonderfully healing effects of some stones he discovered in Wyoming about 20 years ago. The radiation from these stones is called "radiation hormesis." The "hormesis" is a Greek word meaning "to excite." It seems that the excitation of your cells from this low level radiation is just miraculously healing.
I'm talking about something entirely different from the type of radiation you get in the radiologist's office. That is extremely harmful and carcinogenic and always will be. This is totally different.
I won't repeat all the information on this subject that I cover with Ray in the interview. I just beg you to listen to the radio show if you haven't already. If you have cancer or know anyone who does, this may be the most important life-saving information you will ever get.
To get to the radio show, just click here. If it doesn't start playing immediately, you may need to download some audio software like Apple's QuickTime. It is available free for your download at
My wife and I got one of Jay's "kits" this week. Within about 4 hours of taping one of the rocks to my upper left arm, pain I had experienced there for five years disappeared. I originally pulled a muscle there in the gym. But after the muscle tear healed, I had "neuro-toxins" in the muscle which just would not go away. I tried a powder normally prescribed for lowering cholesterol. Dr. Ritchie C. Shoemaker, M.D., author of "Desperation Medicine" alleged that this would "flush out" these neuro-toxins. Well, it reduced the pain temporarily, but it came back as soon as I finished the prescription of the powder. It has been so sore for the five years that I could not sleep on my left side. If I rolled over during the night, the pain would wake me up. Well, that pain is gone now, since I taped Jay's stone to my arm. I'll keep you posted on its progress.
We are also drinking the "irradiated" water using another stone in the kit and my wife and I are both wearing the pendant which comes with it. There is a plastic "pouch" which he calls a "mud pack." It is material ground up from the stones. We are putting this under the sheet on the bed at night and sleeping on it. Jay says this gives your whole body the benefits of the low level radiation.
The almost immediate relief of all kinds of pain is the most immediate effect of the low level radiation from these stones. Of course, he claims a 99% success rate in healing cancer, MS and lots of other degenerative conditions. I am quite skeptical about any such claim. He has a good handle on the reaction to this treatment of the people who go to his "spa" in Southern Colorado. But a claim that almost everyone who has used the kits that he sends people like my wife and I is healed by them is a little bit hard to swallow. However, I feel Jay is totally sincere and honest. And the $325 price for his kit certainly can't break you.
Here is the information for you to explore this subject on your own. I urge you to do so.
Contact: Jay Gutierrez (he is the honcho, but there are others at this number who can talk to you if Jay is not available).
Phone: (888) 563-8389 (Mountain time -- GMT minus 7 hours)
Book: "Because People Are Dying" by Jane G. Goldberg, Ph.D.
Low Dose Naltrexone -- Again
I have had an article on Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) in my newsletter, but it's been a couple of years. It's time to bring this wonderful healing substance to your attention again. Thanks to loyal reader Techwah Mah, I have a lot of useful information on it. Most of this comes from an article Techwah sent me written by Dr. Dudley Delaney. The initials after his name are R.N., M.A., D.C. So he's a registered nurse, a master of arts and a chiropractor.
Naltrexone is a medication the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved in 1984 for the treatment of heroin and opium addiction. In very low doses, it appears to be amazingly effective in treating the cancers listed here:
LDN is inexpensive, readily available, and taken by mouth daily between 10 PM and 2 AM. The recommended adult dosage is 4.5mg. Higher amounts are generally considered counterproductive. Here's what Dr. Dudley Delaney says about "side effects."
"LDN has none of the terrible side effects often associated with chemotherapeutic agents, such as nausea, vomiting, hair loss, overwhelming fatigue, painful mouth sores, and intestinal malabsorption problems. Instead of suppressing your immune system, it enhances it. Instead of working against your body, it works with it. LDN may not be a cancer cure-all, but, in my opinion, it should at least be tried in every case of this dreaded disease."
If you scroll down the web site page above, you'll find a lot of information about sources, dosage and cautions to discuss with your pharmacist. Please read that if you're going to try it. There are several specific compounding pharmacies listed there, including one in Scotland.
Let me quote Dr. Delaney further, including some really good case studies:
"This site features an article by Dr. Melanie Bone that explains how LDN kills cancer cells:
I have been taking LDN for a suspected case of prostate cancer since April of 2007 and, so far, it seems to be working. Specific details about my prostate problems can be found at
In addition to LDN, I am also taking colloidal silver, colloidal gold, sodium bicarbonate, and a variety of food supplements. For more information about my current treatment regimen, visit
In 1999, one of my half-brothers lost a four year battle with multiple myeloma (MM), a type of cancer that affects the bone marrow and which is almost always fatal. He left a wife, four young children, and a successful business. I wish to God I had known about LDN back then, because this site tells how LDN halted in its tracks the progression of a case of MM:
Here is a report from Japan regarding LDN in the successful treatment of MM:
This is a video clip about a case in which LDN halted the progression of MM:
This site contains the remarkable testimonial of how LDN not only appears to have cured a case of breast cancer, but also halted the progression of a case of chronic progressive multiple sclerosis:
In this site, a woman claims to have used LDN to defeat not only terminal lung cancer, but a host of other conditions as well:
In this site, a man gains ground against chronic lymphocytic leukemia with LDN:"
Well, enough! I hope you research this and try it. If you do, I'd sure like to know your results. If you are interested in a good book on LDN, look at "The Promise of Low Dose Naltrexone" by Elaine Moore. It is available at either or B&
My wife and I have a wonderful trip planned in July. We're going to tour Italy with a small group of 10 people or so. We have both wanted to do this for a long time. No time like the present.
We'll be gone for the latter half of July. After we get back on August 2nd or so, I'll have a lot of catching up to do. So, the next newsletter you'll get from me will be in late August.
If you need to contact me by phone, please do it before July 16th or wait until after August 2nd. I will be checking e-mail during the trip (as long as my laptop keeps working). However, don't expect as prompt a response.
Do your friends a favor and send them to my web site:
Be well...and be sure to hug each other every day!
Bill Henderson
Author, "Cure Your Cancer" and "Cancer-Free"
E-mail: "How to Live Cancer-Free" Listen anytime.
Although many alternative medical treatments have been successfully used for many years, they are currently not practiced by conventional medicine and are therefore not "approved" and legal (in some States) for medical professionals to prescribe for their patients, although it is legal for individuals to use them at their own discretion. It therefore becomes necessary to include the following disclaimer:
The offerings made by this publication are to be carefully considered by the user. All responsibility regarding the use of alternative treatments rests with the patient. If you have doubts regarding these things, rely on your conventional doctor.