Acrylamides – highly carcinogenic substances created when starches
are heated at a high temperature; cause mutations in cellular DNA
Acetogenins – long chains of carbon atoms found in Paw Paw and
Graviola which effectively reduce the growth of blood vessels that
nourish cancer cells, inhibit the growth of M.D.R cells, and also
reduce the production of ATP in the mitochondria
Acidic – having a low pH.
Acrylamides – carcinogenic chemical formed by the heating of
starches; found in donuts, french fries, chips, etc.
Aerobic – “with oxygen”
Aerobic Respiration – the process of creating energy “with oxygen”;
also referred to as “aerobic metabolism”
Alkaline – having a high pH
Allopathic – “conventional” medicine
Amalgam – Mercury fillings
Amylase – digestive enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates
Anaerobic – “without oxygen”
Glossary Cancer – Step Outside the Box
Anaerobic Respiration – the process of creating energy “without
oxygen”; also referred to as “anaerobic metabolism”
Angiogenesis – the physiological process involving the growth of
new blood vessels from pre-existing vessels
Antibiotics – drugs that fight infections
Antioxidants – chemical compounds or substances that inhibit
Antineoplastic – inhibiting or preventing the growth or
development of cancer cells
Apoptosis – programmed cell death
ATP – “Adenosine triphosphate” – the “energy currency” of cells
Basal Cell Carcinoma – skin cancer that begins in the deep basal cell
layer of the epidermis
Big 3 – surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation
Cachexia – the “wasting” cycle of many cancer patients
Carcinogen – a cancer-causing substance or agent
Cell Fibers – the “muscles” of our cells
Cell Membrane – the “skin” of our cells
Chelation – the process of removing a heavy metal from the
bloodstream by means of a chelating agent (such as chlorella or
Glossary Cancer – Step Outside the Box
Chlorophyll – a group of related green pigments that convert light
energy into ATP and other forms of energy needed for biochemical
processes; found in green plants, brown and red algae, and certain
aerobic and anaerobic bacteria
Co-Enzymes – an organic substance that usually contains a vitamin
or mineral and combines with a specific protein to form an active
enzyme system
Collagen – the fibrous protein “cement” that holds our bones,
cartilage, tendons, and connective tissue, and cells together
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) – naturally occurring free fatty acid
found mainly in grass-fed meats and dairy products; builds muscle
and reduces body fat.
Cytokines – “messenger cells” such as interferons and interleukins
which set off a cascade reaction of positive changes throughout the
immune system
Cytoplasm – the jelly-like outer part of a cell
Dioxin – any of several carcinogenic chemicals that occur as
impurities in petroleum-derived herbicides
DMSO – “dimethyl sulfoxide“; a non-toxic, 100% natural product
that comes from the wood industry
DNA – “deoxyribonucleic acid”; carries the cell’s genetic
information and hereditary characteristics via its nucleotides and
their sequence; capable of self-replication and RNA synthesis
EDTA Chelation – a therapy by which repeated administrations of a
weak synthetic amino acid (EDTA, ethylenediamine tetra-acetic
acid) gradually reduce atherosclerotic plaque and other heavy metal
deposits throughout the cardiovascular system by literally dissolving
them away.
Glossary Cancer – Step Outside the Box
EFAs – essential fatty acids
Electron – an elementary particle with a negative charge
Electron Transport Chain – the final stage of the Krebs Cycle
Enzymes – any of numerous proteins or conjugated proteins
produced by living organisms and functioning as biochemical
Epidermis – the outer layer of skin
Eukaryotic Cell – a cell with a nucleus and organelles
Excitotoxins – substances, usually amino acids, that react with
specialized receptors (neurons) in the brain in such a way as to lead
to destruction of certain types of brain cells, i.e. MSG and Aspartame
Fasciolopsis Buski – a fluke that is parasitic on humans and swine
Free Radical – an atom or group of atoms that has at least one
unpaired electron and is therefore unstable and highly reactive;
damages cells and accelerates the progression of cancer and other
Gluconeogenesis – the formation of glucose, especially by the liver,
from noncarbohydrate sources, such as amino acids and the glycerol
portion of fats
Glucose – A monosaccharide sugar the blood that serves as the major
energy source of the body; it occurs in most plant and animal tissue.
Also called blood sugar
Glyconutrients – around 200 naturally occurring biologically active
plant monosaccharide sugars; researchers have identified a small
group of 8 essential glyconutrients, which includes glucose,
Glossary Cancer – Step Outside the Box
galactose, mannose, fucose, xylose, N-acetylglucosamine, Nacetylgalactosamine,
and N-acetylneuraminic acid
Golgi Body – a net-like structure in the cell’s cytoplasm which stores
Glycogen - a polysaccharide that is the main form of carbohydrate
storage in animals and occurs mainly in liver and muscle tissue; it is
readily converted to glucose; also called animal starch
HCAs – “heterocyclic amines”; carcinogenic substances formed by
cooking any meat, beef, lamb, pork, fowl, and even fish, at high
HCG – “human chorionic gonadotropin”; a hormone produced by
the placenta that maintains the corpus luteum during pregnancy
HDL Cholesterol – “high-density lipoprotein”; also referred to as
“Good Cholesterol”
Hemoglobin – red blood cells; the red respiratory protein of red
blood cells that transports oxygen from the lungs to the tissues,
where the oxygen is readily released
Hydrogenation – the addition of hydrogen to a compound, especially
to solidify an unsaturated fat or fatty acid
Hydrolosis – the decomposition of a chemical compound by reaction
with water
Immune System – the bodily system that protects the body from
foreign substances, cells, and tissues by producing the immune
response and that includes especially the thymus, spleen, lymph
nodes, lymphocytes including the B cells and T cells, and antibodies
Glossary Cancer – Step Outside the Box
Insulin – a hormone secreted by the pancreas which regulates the
metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, especially the conversion of
glucose to glycogen, which lowers the blood glucose level
Krebs Cycle – the cycle of creating energy within our cells; also
called citric acid cycle
Lauric Acid – a fatty acid obtained chiefly from coconut oil
Leukocytes – white blood cells; engulf and digest bacteria and fungi;
an important part of the body’s defense system
Lipids – fats
LDL Cholesterol – “low-density lipoprotein”; also referred to as “Bad
Lypase – digestive enzyme that breaks down lipids
Melanocytes – cells that produce the pigment melanin that colors
our skin, hair, and eyes and is heavily concentrated in most moles.
Melanoma– the most serious form of skin cancer; a malignant tumor
that originates in melanocytes
Melatonin – a hormone produced from the amino acid tryptophan
by the pineal gland; causes you to get sleepy when it’s dark
Microbe – a microorganism, especially a bacterium that causes
Mitochondria – “cellular power plant“; an organelle in the
cytoplasm of nearly all eukaryotic cells containing genetic material
and many enzymes important for cell metabolism and energy
Glossary Cancer – Step Outside the Box
Monosaccharide – any of several carbohydrates that cannot be
broken down to simpler sugars, i.e. simple sugar
Monounsaturated – of or relating to an organic compound,
especially an oil or fatty acid, containing only one double or triple
bond per molecule; monounsaturated fats decrease the amount of
LDL cholesterol in the blood and include olive and avocado oils
MSM – “methyl sulfonyl methane”; basically DMSO with an
additional oxygen atom attached to the sulfur atom
Mycotoxins – fungal toxins
Neoplasm– an abnormal new growth of tissue; a tumor
Neurons – nerve cells
Nitrosamines – carcinogenic substances produced by the blackening
and burning of meat and especially fat
Nucleotide – the basic component of DNA and RNA
Omega-3 Fatty Acids – polyunsaturated fatty acids that are found
especially in fish, fish oils, vegetable oils, and green leafy vegetables
Omega-6 Fatty Acids – polyunsaturated fatty acids that are found
especially in nuts and grains
Oncologist – a cancer doctor
Organelle – a differentiated structure within a cell that performs a
specific function
Orthomolecular – the theory that diseases can be cured by restoring
the optimum amounts of substances normally present in the body
Glossary Cancer – Step Outside the Box
Oxidation – the addition of oxygen to a compound with a loss of
P53 – protein that is the product of a tumor suppressor gene,
regulates cell growth and proliferation, and prevents unrestrained
cell division after chromosomal damage; the absence of p53 as a
result of a gene mutation increases the risk of developing various
Pathogenic – capable of causing disease
PH Balance – the acid/alkaline balance in our body
Pleomorphic – having many forms
Polysaccharide – any of a class of carbohydrates whose molecules
contain chains of monosaccharides
Probiotics – “good bacteria”; live microbial supplements which
improve intestinal balance
Prokaryotic cell – a cell (such as a bacteria) which lacks a nucleus
Protease – digestive enzyme that breaks down proteins
Proton – an elementary particle with a positive charge
Protoplasm – the complex substance that constitutes the living
matter of plant and animal cells; composed of proteins and fats;
includes the nucleus and cytoplasm
RBGH – “recombinant bovine growth hormone”
Redox – oxidation-reduction
RNA – “ribonucleic acid”; transmits genetic information from DNA
to the cytoplasm and controls certain chemical processes in the cell
Glossary Cancer – Step Outside the Box
Sesquioxide – an oxide containing three atoms of oxygen with two
atoms (or radicals) of some other substance
Sodium Nitrite – carcinogenic substance used to preserve and color
food especially in meat and fish products
Squamous Cell Carcinoma – skin cancer that begins in the squamous
cells of the epidermis; more aggressive than basal cell carcinoma
Trans-Fats – “pseudo-fats” which are produced by the partial
hydrogenation of vegetable oils; present in hardened vegetable oils,
most margarines, commercial baked foods, and many fried foods;
known to increase the risk of cancer
Trophoblasts – cells that attach the fertilized ovum to the uterine
wall and serve as a nutritive pathway for the embryo
Turmeric – spice that contains curcumin; has multiple anticarcinogenic
effects when consumed
Vitamin B17 – also called laetrile, amygdalin, or nitrilosides; includes
a large group of water-soluble, non-toxic, compounds found in over
800 plants, many of which are edible; selectively toxic to cancer cells
Xenoestrogens – “foreign” estrogens; have been “altered” and act like
free radicals in the body; shown to cause various types of cancer
Zeolites – natural volcanic minerals with a unique, complex
crystalline structure
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