How To Beat Your Prostate Cancer is the newest of these books, produced by our own Cures Research Institute. Most of the step-by-step advice is not specific to any one type of cancer, and the authors contend that they help with cancer anywhere in the body. This is generally true, because the real cause of cancer is a failure of the immune system to destroy mutant cells before they can grow into a noticeable tumor. Even the American Cancer Society, in their the American Cancer Society Cancer Book, published by Doubleday & Company in 1986, says in the introduction: “Only when the immune system is incapable of destroying these malignant cells will cancer develop.”
How To Beat Your Prostate Cancerr covers all the importantalternative treatments, such as the flax oil and cottage cheese diet, Essiac tea, drinking alkalized water, and so on,. It then provides step-by-step advice for beating cancer, either using alternative therapies and immune support with conventional medicine, or instead of it. Particular attention is paid to late-stage cancers, where conventional medicine may have run out of choices.
There is a free report covering the 10 major areas that all cancer survivors need to deal with. We highly recommend you download this report.
With the detailed background information on the real causes of cancer, the step-by-step cancer recovery programs, the Quick Start manual and the large Prostate Cancer Reference Library, this is a 5-star bargain at $67. (The regular price is $97, but there is a $30 discount if you will submit a testimonial after you are cancer-free.) You have a full year to read through and use all the material and still have a 100% money-back guarantee.
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