“Fight It” or “Fuel It”
I have devoted several chapters to nutrition and diet, since one’s
diet is the most important piece of the cancer treatment puzzle. Let
me reiterate: diet is the most important piece of the puzzle.
Beginning on an alternative cancer treatment protocol is like putting
wood into the fireplace (i.e. your body). Once that wood catches fire
and starts burning, the fire is going to kill the cancer cells that have
colonized in your fireplace. However, eating a poor diet is like
pouring water on that same fire. A bad diet will destroy many
alternative cancer treatments. In fact, many scientific studies have
proven that diet alone can cause cancer. So, if you want to reverse
your cancer, then you must reverse your diet, since it is one’s diet
that actually “cures” cancer since it builds the immune system and
balances our “internal terrain.”
The truth be told, many people have actually cured their cancer by
doing nothing more than changing their diet! The cancer diet is just
as important as the cancer treatment. As I have compared many
“Don’t bother looking in the history books for what has
slaughtered the most Americans. Look instead at your
dinner table…we eat too much of the wrong things and
not enough of the right things.” Dr. Andrew Saul
Chapter 12 – Nutrition & “Cachexia” Cancer – Step Outside the Box
effective alternative cancer treatments to those that were less
effective, it is evident that even a small “glitch” in the cancer diet
can interfere with the effectiveness of the particular treatment. If
the diet is fueling the cancer cells, then they are very resistant to
most treatments. Just remember this: if the diet is not fighting the
cancer, then it is fueling the cancer. There is no middle ground.
It is the diet, not the treatment, that will provide a long-term “cure”
for cancer, since the diet is what builds the immune system and
balances the internal terrain. Both of these things are essential to
have long-term success in fighting cancer. Much too often people
think they are cured of cancer when the tumor is gone or when the
cancer cells are dead. They then revert to their old way of life, their
old diet, their old vices, and the cancer returns. What we must
remember is that some internal condition allowed the cancer to
grow initially, and if that internal condition returns, due to poor
diet, then the cancer will also return.
The human body is made the most common elements found on
earth. In Genesis, we read the story of the creation of the world and
the Garden of Eden. We read in Genesis 2:7 that God “formed man
out of the clay of the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of
life.” What did God use to create Adam? God made him from the
richest top soils on earth. I am 100% convinced that every element
was present in the soil which God used to make Adam, and their
fruits and nuts and grains and vegetables grew in these same soils.
But then Adam fell, and so did our environment…
With the top soils in America having been depleted of 90% of their
mineral value, the needless chemicals and hormones that are added
to our soils and foods, and the processing that destroys the vitamins
and digestive enzymes, making them more acidic, it’s no wonder we
have an epidemic of degenerative disease. In researching his book,
Nutrition Under Siege, Alex Jack examined data published by the
USDA ARS Nutrient Data Laboratory and concluded that a
comparison of the data “show(s) a sharp decline in minerals,
vitamins and other nutrients in many foods since the last
Chapter 12 – Nutrition & “Cachexia” Cancer – Step Outside the Box
comprehensive survey published over twenty years ago,” which he
attributes to “a steady deterioration in soil, air, and water quality.”
These elements, which are now missing from the average American
diet, are crucial to the maintenance of good health and to life itself.
A hundred years ago, cancer was virtually unknown in the United
States, but today it seems like everyone has someone in their family
who has died of this dreaded disease. What has changed? Have our
bodies changed? Or have we depleted our soils of essential nutrients?
Have we changed what we put into our bodies? And have these
“foods” we ingest, in turn, altered our internal “terrain” in such a
way as to make us more susceptible to disease?
Dr. Patrick Quillin provides us with a tremendous analogy: “Fungus
grows on the bark of a tree due to the favorable conditions of heat,
moisture and darkness. You can cut, burn and poison a fungus all
you want, but as long as favorable conditions persist, it will return.
Similarly, cancer develops in a human when conditions are right.
Documented factors that favor tumor formation include toxic
burden, immune suppression, malnutrition, mental depression and
elevated blood glucose. . . Unless we correct these cancer inducers,
cytotoxic therapies are doomed to failure.” www.wellnessrecovery.
com/quillan1.htm. What Dr. Quillin is saying is that we
need to focus on the cancer causes rather than the cancer
symptoms. I agree 100%.
The lack of minerals and vitamins in the soil, the chemicals in our
foods, drinking sodas, microwaving foods, eating junk foods,
processed foods, foods contaminated with pesticides, and “fakefoods”
are just a few of many dietary factors which have tainted our
internal “terrain,” primarily altering our pH balance, and providing
fertile soil for cancer to grow. Our acidic, junk-food, fast-food,
empty-calorie diet is one of the primary villains in the rise of cancer.
As I mentioned, there is no middle ground. Either the food we eat is
fighting cancer, or it is fueling cancer. Thus, the food we eat can be
grouped into 1 of 2 categories:
Chapter 12 – Nutrition & “Cachexia” Cancer – Step Outside the Box
1. Food that fuels cancer: Either by feeding cancer cells or
preventing our immune system from killing cancer cells.
These foods include the following: mycotoxins (toxic
fungus), acidic foods, sodas, sugar, trans-fats, coffee, MSG,
sodium nitrite, aspartame, processed foods, foods with
pesticides, pasteurized milk & cheese, refined flours,
fluoride, chlorine, etc.
2. Food that fights cancer: Either by killing cancer cells,
balancing our pH, or preventing cancer from spreading
through nutrients, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals. These
foods include the following: spring water, apples and their
seeds, apricots and their seeds, purple grapes and their seeds,
raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, cantaloupe, carrots,
broccoli, peppers, tomatoes, avocados, garlic, lemons, limes,
coconut oil, flax seeds , flax oil, raw walnuts, chlorella,
spirulina, and numerous herbs.
The key to a “cancer diet” is to eat foods from Category 2 and avoid
foods from Category 1. Simple, right?
Not in 21st century America! A century ago, we didn’t have much
processed food. Families would eat fresh fruits and veggies, fresh
bread, fresh nuts, fresh grass-fed beef, fresh eggs, and wash it down
with mineral-rich well water or raw cow’s milk. But today, mom is
just too busy to cook. So, for breakfast, everyone has a few donuts.
Mom and dad wash them down with coffee while the kids have a
big fat glass of pasteurized chocolate milk. For lunch, it’s bologna
sandwich and cheese on white bread with a soda and a cupcake for
dessert. And then dinner consists of pizza, chips, and beer or sodas,
with ice cream for dessert.
Do you see a problem here? Unfortunately, the typical American
diet is about 95% of the foods from Category 1. So, what are the
problems with eating a diet of mainly Category 1 foods? To begin
with, all of the Category 1 foods are highly acidic, thus causing an
imbalance in our pH level. Let’s take a look at french fries: we skin
potatoes then slice them thin to expose their surface area, then we
Chapter 12 – Nutrition & “Cachexia” Cancer – Step Outside the Box
freeze them, then deep fry them in trans-fatty oil, and finally we
glob on the salt. In the end, there is no fiber, no nutrition, and no
minerals. There is nothing left but a wad of undigestible, highly
acidic waste. Is it any wonder that some of us are barely making it
from day to day? Our internal terrain is in horrible shape!
Secondly, the Category 1 foods are deficient in enzymes. Since
enzymes will make food spoil quickly, the best way to keep foods
from spoiling and give them a longer “shelf life” is to remove or
destroy the enzymes. But “aren’t enzymes important?” you may ask.
They absolutely are. An important role that enzymes play in the
human body is in food digestion. But our processed foods today are
missing these vital enzymes.
Enzymes, Vitamins, & Minerals
In the previous chapters, we have learned about the importance of
keeping our body’s pH in an alkaline state. Now, let’s review some
basic nutrition science. The chemistry of digestion is really simple;
with all the three major types of food being protein, carbohydrates,
and fats. We digest these three types of food into their usable forms.
- proteins into amino acids, carbohydrates into glucose, and fats into
fatty acids. But remember, the important thing is not how much
food we eat, but rather how much food we digest. And how do we
digest food? Enzymes.
But what’s an enzyme? I just knew you were going to ask that! An
enzyme is a catalyst. But what’s a catalyst? I remember my high
school chemistry teacher, Mrs. Reed, who taught us the definition of
a catalyst. Just in case you’ve had a momentary memory lapse, a
catalyst is a substance which causes a chemical reaction to take place
without, itself, becoming a part of that chemical reaction. There are
numerous enzymes within the body that are responsible for the
hundreds of chemical reactions which must take place in order to
keep the body functioning normally. But by themselves, enzymes
are just pieces of the digestive puzzle. For enzymes to actually
perform thousands of tasks, they need help from vitamins and
Chapter 12 – Nutrition & “Cachexia” Cancer – Step Outside the Box
minerals (co-factors). The enzyme and the co-factors orchestrate
themselves in a complicated biochemical opus called a “complex.” It
is the enzyme complex that brings about the essential enzyme
According to Dr. Tim O’Shea, “vitamins, minerals, and enzymes
need each other, like the three legs of a stool. In the wacky
marketplace of today’s food supplements, it’s like we’re assaulted on
all sides by people screaming Vitamins!, others yelling Minerals!,
and others hollering Enzymes! as though each one alone were the
Magic Bullet that can cure anything. The real ideas are cooperation,
synergy, and co-factoring. Nothing exists in isolation in the body.
An enzyme without co-factors has no enzyme activity. Enzymes are
known to have very specific jobs to do. Their activity is compared to
keys that must fit certain locks. Enzymes are long-chain proteins
held together in very specific shapes by hydrogen bonds. Think of a
ball of string which is held in a very weird shape by tiny strips of
Velcro. If anything happens to the Velcro-like bonds, the enzyme
protein unravels, losing its shape. Without the shape, the key can
no longer fit the lock. Then it’s no longer an enzyme - just another
foreign protein. And what do foreign proteins cause in our body?
Right - inflammation. Immune response. And that’s exactly the
meaning of auto-immune. The body now attacks itself because it
senses there’s an alien on board. Self has become not-self.”
If the bonds are broken, the enzyme collapses, and can no longer do
its specific job. Such a collapsed enzyme is said to be denatured. Free
radicals, heating above 112°, processing, canning, genetic
engineering, and fluoride are just a few things which can cause an
enzyme to become denatured. Interestingly, the enzymes in raw
food actually digest up to 75% of the food without the help of the
enzymes secreted by the body.
There are three major classes of enzymes: metabolic enzymes
(enzymes which work in blood, tissues, and organs), food enzymes
from raw food, and digestive enzymes. There are 3 main categories
Chapter 12 – Nutrition & “Cachexia” Cancer – Step Outside the Box
of digestive enzymes: 1. Protease (for protein digestion), 2. Amylase
(for carbohydrate digestion), and 3. Lipase (for fat digestion).
Without enzymes, there is no life. Organic raw fruits and vegetables
are awesome. They contain enzymes, some contain nitrilosides, and
they are chock full of vitamins and minerals. However, as I have
mentioned, cooking vegetables destroys their enzymes. At 112°F,
enzymes are destroyed. A good rule of thumb is to eat it raw: raw
fruits, raw vegetables, and raw milk. Cooking destroys enzymes and
so does pasteurization. As I’ve mentioned, Pasteur was dead wrong.
And pasteurization renders milk useless. You may as well drink a
glass of white paint.
America is an obese nation. The CDC states that 1 out of every 3
Americans is considered obese (i.e. weighs 30% more than his
normal weight). Ever wonder why? Well, part of it is that we are a
nation of gluttons and sluggards. Self-control is considered passé.
However, part of the reason for America’s obesity is the fact that our
diet typically is 90% cooked foods. Hog farmers learned a long time
ago that hogs get fat twice as fast if they are fed cooked food.
Cooking destroys what? You got it…enzymes.
Our white blood cells involved in the immune response are called
“leukocytes. “ Remember, all of us have cancer cells in our bodies,
but these cells have a protein coating which keeps the leukocytes
from killing them. However, God has a solution for this! The two
enzymes most responsible for breaking down animal proteins are
trypsin and chymotrypsin. These enzymes are produced in the
pancreas. In a healthy person’s body, these enzymes destroy cancer
cells by breaking down the protein coating around the cell, and then
the leukocytes attack the remaining cancer cell and destroy it.
Overcooking meat also destroys its enzymes. A major problem with
overcooked meat is that is high in protein content and zero in
enzyme content (unless it is rare). So, how do we digest proteins if
we don’t have any enzymes? That’s right…the enzyme trypsin. As I
mentioned, we have a limited supply of trypsin, and if all of our
trypsin is being used to digest animal protein, then little or none is
Chapter 12 – Nutrition & “Cachexia” Cancer – Step Outside the Box
left to break down the protein coating on cancer cells. Thus the cells
begin to flourish and multiply because our leukocytes cannot kill
them. We have destroyed the natural enzymes in the meat by
overcooking it, then we are forced to recruit our limited supply of
trypsin to digest the meat when the trypsin should be roaming
around our body killing cancer cells! However, if we’re eating grassfed
beef or buffalo, then these animals have likely been grazing on
grasses which contain ample amounts of nitrilosides.
What are nitrilosides? Remember Jason Vale? He cured his cancer
by eating apricot seeds and apple seeds, which both contain massive
amounts of nitrilosides which destroy cancer cells. Cancer cells, and
only cancer cells, contain an enzyme called beta-glucosidase that
converts nitrilosides into two molecules of glucose, one molecule of
benzaldehyde (a poison), and one molecule of hydrogen cyanide
(another poison). Since only cancer cells contain beta-glucosidase,
this chemical conversion takes place only at cancer cells. Another
enzyme, rhodanese, always present in far larger quantities than the
unlocking enzyme beta-glucosidase in healthy tissues, has the ability
to completely break down both cyanide and benzaldehyde into a
silicate, which is much like aspirin. It contributes greatly to pain
control. Interestingly, malignant cancer cells contain no rhodanese
at all, leaving them completely at the mercy of the two deadly
poisons. Only the cancer cells are specifically targeted and
destroyed. You think God knows what He’s doing? Amazing, huh?
Diet & Disease
Now, one of the major problems with most physicians is that they
know virtually nothing about nutrition. Some medical schools teach
on nutrition for a couple of weeks, but most doctors have never had
a course on nutrition. Just take a look at most doctors and you will
realize that they are generally very unhealthy people. Dr. Neal
Pinckney, M.D. states “I found out that doctors typically aren’t given
much training in nutrition and that some so-called nutrition experts
are not well qualified in that field. A large sample of physicians were
asked how much training they got in nutrition in medical school.
Chapter 12 – Nutrition & “Cachexia” Cancer – Step Outside the Box
The average was less than three hours, with many having only one
hour or less. That’s out of nearly 3,500 hours of medical training.
The truth is that doctors may get their nutrition information from
the same newspapers and TV programs we do, and unless they have
taken extra training in nutrition, they may not know much more
about nutrition than the rest of us.”
Dr. Patrick Quillin is an expert at the relationship between diet and
disease. He is dead on accurate when he preaches that we need to
focus on the root cause of diseases rather than treating the
symptoms: “Mrs. Jones might be suffering from metastatic breast
cancer because, in her case, she is still hurting from a hateful divorce
of 2 years ago, which drives her catecholamines into a stress mode
and depresses her immune system; she goes to bed on a box of high
sugar cookies each night; she has a deficiency of fish oil, zinc, and
vitamin E; and she has an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone in
her body. Her oncologist may remove the breasts, give her
Tamoxifen to bind up estrogen, administer chemo and radiation; but
none of these therapies deals with the underlying causes of the
disease. And it will come back unless these driving forces for the
disease are reversed.” www.patrickquillin.com
Our bodies are like cars. If we put high quality fuel into our car, the
engine will run smoothly and quietly, it will perform better, and it
will last longer. However, if we start filling the tank with diesel fuel,
jet fuel, kerosene, rubbing alcohol, or lamp fuel, then we are bound
to have some serious problems with the car’s engine. Eventually, our
car will begin to make funny noises, overheat, and eventually won’t
even start when we turn the key. A good car mechanic would
quickly diagnose the problem: low quality fuels are causing engine
problems. A bad car mechanic would tell you that there is no
correlation whatsoever between the fuels you put in the car and the
performance you get out of the car. Unfortunately, when it comes to
diagnosing “engine problems” in our bodies, many doctors are like
bad car mechanics. They just don’t see the relationship between
proper fuel (nutrition) and optimal performance (good health).
Chapter 12 – Nutrition & “Cachexia” Cancer – Step Outside the Box
The “Cachexia Cycle”
Cancer’s main devastating effect on the body is cachexia, which is
basically the “wasting away” of the body characterized by weight
loss and eventual debilitation. According to the National Cancer
Institute, “It is estimated that half of all cancer patients experience
cachexia, the rapid loss of a large amount of weight along with
fatigue, weakness, and loss of appetite. Cachexia is a serious problem
among many patients who have advanced cancer.” Dr. Harold
Dvorak, former chief of pathology at Beth Israel Hospital in Boston,
states “In a sense, nobody dies of cancer. They die of something else
– pneumonia, failure of one or another organs. Cachexia accelerates
that process of infection and the building-up of metabolic poisons. It
causes death a lot faster than the tumor would, were it not for the
cachexia.” www.day-industries.co.uk/story.htm
Cachexia is caused by the inefficient glucose burn resulting from
anaerobic respiration. The cancer cell ferments the glucose and
produces lactic acid, then the liver converts the lactic acid back to
glucose (a process called gluconeogenesis), which also consumes
enormous amounts of energy. Thus, the cancer cells convert glucose
to lactic acid, the lactic acid travels to the liver, the liver converts
the lactic acid back to glucose, which then travels back to the cancer
cells…and so on. This “cachexia cycle“ consumes an enormous
amount of energy and may cause the body to start “eating” its own
muscles and bones in order to feed the cancer cells.
Dr. Joseph Gold was a research scientist for NASA, a US Air Force
officer, and an M.D. When he completed his distinguished military
career, he embarked on a mission with one goal, to answer the
question: Is there a chemical way to inhibit gluconeogenesis and
stop cachexia? In 1969, Dr. Gold heard biochemist Paul Ray deliver a
paper explaining that hydrazine sulfate could shut down the enzyme
necessary for the production of glucose from lactic acid. Many
would say that this was “pure luck” or “coincidence,” but I would
say that it was “Divine Providence!” He immediately tested
hydrazine sulfate on mice and found that, as he suspected, it
Chapter 12 – Nutrition & “Cachexia” Cancer – Step Outside the Box
inhibited gluconeogenesis, thus reversing the cachexia cycle. Voila!
Gold had discovered a perfect way to starve the cancer.
In the early 1970s, Dr. Gold met with the National Cancer Institute
in an effort to begin clinical testing on hydrazine sulfate. During this
meeting, he gave them his research files, discussed the
recommended dosages, and detailed a list of those things that should
not be used during therapy, such as alcohol, sleeping pills, and
tranquilizers. Dr. Gold explicitly warned the NCI multiple times
that patients could DIE if they were taking tranquilizers. So, what
happened? The NCI tested it, did not follow the protocol, purposely
sabotaged the study, killed off all the patients, and issued a paper
stating that it was “worthless.”
So, what’s the rest of the story? Instead of following the protocol of
60 milligrams of hydrazine sulfate per single dose, the hospital
performing the study engaged in underdosing and overdosing
patients. In some instances, patients were being given only between
1 and 5 milligrams per day. Others who were started on the correct
dosage and were showing improvements were abruptly switched to
90 to 100 milligrams per single dose, wiping out their good
Also, it turns out that none of the NCI patients were warned about
the fact that tranquilizers were a “no no.” Under pressure from the
General Accounting Office (GAO) investigators, doctors who
conducted one of the NCI trials admitted in a letter to the Journal of
Clinical Oncology that virtually all (94%) of the subjects had taken
tranquilizers while receiving hydrazine sulfate. Despite those
admissions, the GAO still managed in its report to declare that the
NCI’s trials “were not flawed.” Huh? Not flawed? That’s kind of like
stating that a car has a burned up motor, four flat tires, and no
brakes, nevertheless it is ready for use on the highway.
According to Dr. Gold, the “NCI’s actions with respect to hydrazine
sulfate, characterized by intimidation, coercion, steadfast opposition,
and possibly clinical trial-rigging, are truly one of the most
Chapter 12 – Nutrition & “Cachexia” Cancer – Step Outside the Box
shameful, scandalous medical undertakings in this country’s history,
depriving vast numbers of people of their health, happiness, and
lives.” Every properly conducted, controlled clinical trial performed
in accordance with internationally accepted standards of scientific
conduct, without exception, has indicated efficacy and safety of
hydrazine sulfate. The largest study of hydrazine sulfate, conducted
on 740 cancer patients in the Soviet Union, found that it produced
stabilization or regression of the tumor in 50.8% of the patients.
Due to the fact that hydrazine sulfate inhibits gluconeogenesis, it
causes tumors to stop growing, stop spreading, and oftentimes
shrinking them and/or causing them to disappear. Webster Kehr
accurately points out that the action of hydrazine sulfate is to stop
the cachexia cycle in the liver; whereas cesium chloride stops the
cachexia cycle at the cellular level.
Here is Dr. Gold’s Hydrazine Sulfate Protocol:
One 60 mg capsule every day for the first 3 days (at or before
One 60 mg capsule twice a day for the next 3 days (at or
before breakfast and before dinner)
One 60 mg capsule three times a day thereafter
(approximately every 8 hours beginning with breakfast)
This protocol is based on a patient weight of 120 pounds and above;
for a patient below 120 pounds, half dosages have been reported
effective. Generally it is reported that hydrazine sulfate is most
effective when administered by itself (no other medications given
one-half hour before or after administration of hydrazine sulfate)
before meals. If adequate response is made on 2 capsules daily,
patients have been reportedly maintained on this dosage schedule
and not increased.
Best efficacy with hydrazine sulfate has been reported by
maintaining daily treatment for 45 days followed by an interruption
Chapter 12 – Nutrition & “Cachexia” Cancer – Step Outside the Box
for 1 to 2 weeks, then re-institution of treatment. In addition, it has
been reported that there is an incompatibility of hydrazine sulfate
with ethanol, barbiturates, and tranquilizers. Patients receiving
hydrazine sulfate should thus avoid alcoholic beverages,
tranquilizers, and barbiturates. Additionally, the patient must
maintain a low carbohydrate diet (i.e. don’t eat sugar). Remember,
you are trying to starve the cancer, not treat it to a buffet dinner!
Remember, sugar feeds cancer. So when the doctor tells the cancer
patient (who is wasting away from cachexia) to eat whatever he can
to put weight on, whether it be ice cream or candy, the doctor may
as well have given him a gun with one bullet. The worse thing that a
“terminal” cancer patient can do is eat whatever he wants.
Warning! Hydrazine sulfate is an MAOI (Momoamine Oxidase
Inhibitor) which inhibits an enzyme that breaks down monoamines
(serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine) which control our
moods. However, MAOIs also metabolize the amino acid tyramine.
When taking an MAOI, tyramine is not broken down, and eating
foods with tyramine can raise your blood pressure and heart beat
and can a horrible headache. So, when you are taking hydrazine
sulfate, do NOT eat foods containing tyramine such as aged,
fermented, or pickled foods (such as most cheeses, lunch meats, hot
dogs, yogurt, wines, and beers).
Also off limits are lima beans, fava beans, lentils, snow peas, soy
beans, yeast extracts/brewer’s yeast, sauerkraut, bananas, avocados,
canned figs, raisins, red plums, raspberries, pineapples, chocolate,
caffeine, peanuts, almonds, and pumpkin seeds. (This is not a
comprehensive list.) In general, any high protein food that has
undergone aging should be avoided. Also, any over-the-counter cold
or allergy remedy should also be avoided. Usage of Vitamin C should
be restricted to 250 mg/day and Vitamin B6 should be avoided
Important: Hydrazine Sulfate is frequently used with other
alternative cancer treatments, which we will discuss later in the
book, which may or may not have food/supplement/drug
Chapter 12 – Nutrition & “Cachexia” Cancer – Step Outside the Box
restrictions. Keep in mind that hydrazine sulfate also has a long list
of prohibited foods. If you begin to get bad headaches, the chances
are that you have eaten foods containing tyramine. As always, you
should check with your doctor or nutritionist if you have a question.
My recommended vendor of hydrazine sulfate is found at the
following website: www.essense-of-life.com/info/hydrazinesulfate.htm.
I know that it is advertised for pets, but it is the highest quality. And
please remember that hydrazine sulfate should be taken in exact
doses because it is a drug. Overdosing can do more harm than good.
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