Jul 26, 2009

Characteristics of Cow

Overall Characteristics :

Indian Cow Breed

Indian Cow Breed

  • The Indian cow belongs to Bass Indicus variety.
  • High shoulder, flappy under-neck, and Suryaketu nerve on the back are easy differentiators of the variety.
  • It is believed that Suryaketu nerve absorbs medicinal essences from atmosphere and makes milk, urine and cow dung more nourishing.

Skin :

  • High shoulder, flappy hanging dewlaps under-neck, and long ears increase the area of skin that sweats and keeps the body cooler. This is apt for our climate.
  • Sweat glands are wider and the sweat is aromatic, protecting from monsoon-insects.
  • The cow drives away insects by swift muscle movements
  • With small hair, skin remains clean.
  • With all these uniqueness, an Indian ox can work with comfort in rain and shine.

Tail :

  • Long enough to touch ground.
  • Tail joint is unique and allows swirling around till the neck.
  • It also swats flies and insects.

Hoof :

  • Joined, does not gather twigs and dirt.
  • Indian ox has smaller and strong hoof. This is suited for ploughing and pulling cart.
  • Some of the Indian varieties can work without horse-shoes.
  • Unlike tractor, the ox does not harden the top soil and kill the helpful insects.

Chromosome :

  • Different actions and features of the body are controlled by chromosomes.
  • As a cow would always have adequate quantity of chromosome, there is no infertility for generations.

Life Activities :

  • Basal metabolic rate(BMR) is the amount of energy expended while at rest in a neutrally temperate environment.
  • Indian cow has a lower BMR. In draught it can survive with small quantity of food. Though it becomes weaker then, it recovers fast when it gets nourishment.
  • Such temporary difficulties do not later affect its milk yield or fertility.

Immunity to Disease :

  • Cows are born with immunity to diseases. There is no difference between the ones grazing in the fields or kept in the sheds.
  • This reduces the expenditure on their medical care.
  • For this reason, America and Europe import Indian cows, cross breed with local variety to improve their immunity.

Efficiency :

  • Indian ox has strong muscles and long legs. They work for long hours in difficult conditions.
  • High shoulder holds the plough well.

Caring :

  • Cows can be housed in very ordinary shed and even under a tree.
  • Some Indian varieties require very little food.
  • In villages they generally roam around fields and forests through the day.

Milk :

Gir - Best Milking Breed

Gir - Best Milking Breed

  • Some Indian breed cows give up to 20 litres of milk per day.
  • Main varieties of Indian milch cows are Gir, Sahival, Tharparker, Rati and Sindhi.
  • We can improve other breeds by better care and nourishment.

Panchagavya :

  • Constitutes cow urine, cow dung, milk, curd and ghee.
  • Used as food, medicine, manure and insecticide.
  • They increase immunity to diseases.
  • Without side effects, they fight cancer, hypertension, skin diseases, and urinary diseases.

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