Menopause Information | Symptoms | Treatments
Ladies, there’s no question about it - Menopause is one of the biggest changes your body will ever experience. Many of us women do not take it lightly because it represents the end of our fertility and the onset of our golden years. Not to mention, menopause can often deliver unwelcomed side-effects that are often uncomfortable and downright unbearable!
But stay with me here – because I’m going to let you in on a big secret that will allow you to brush menopause aside and banish your symptoms forever! What’s more, I’m going to give you THREE FREE GIFTS just for hearing me out!
What’s Bothering You?
Hot Flashes? Insomnia? Depression?
Whatever Your Menopausal Symptoms,
Menopause sneaks up on you, and when it arrives it blasts you with everything from hot flashes, night sweats and insomnia, to vaginal dryness and other physical changes, sexual issues, and even severe depression. And that’s just for starters! There’s also the threat of health risks such as breast cancer, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease and even something called pelvic organ prolapse (ladies, you probably don’t want to hear this, but that’s when your insides literally start to FALL OUT)!
But here’s a little-known fact… American women are virtually alone in their menopausal sufferings. That’s right- women around the world do not experience the same intense suffering that we do here in America! In fact, many cultures view menopause as an achievement – a welcomed accomplishment - one that elevates a woman’s status in society!
So what is it about American women that make us so prone to these miserable symptoms? What secrets are women around the world holding that keep them from the same level of discomfort and suffering? And why do they get to enjoy elevated status in their cultures? What do THEY know that WE don’t?
Menopause University Unlocks These Secrets So You Can Beat Menopause At Its Own Game!
My name is Dr. Michelle Haendiges (you can call me Dr. Micki), and as a board-certified OB/GYN physician, I’ve specialized in advanced gynecology and in treating the conditions of menopause for years and years. I’ve witnessed how Menopause affects women both mentally and physically and I’ve seen how it can deliver some of the most intense side effects including severe hot flashes, sleep disorders, even deep depression. And I’ve studied the lifestyles of women across the world to learn how they make it through menopause virtually unscathed. You’ll be surprised - their secrets are downright amazing!
Now, I want to share my years of knowledge and those very secrets with you, so that you can beat menopause at its own game! That’s why I’ve created Menopause University, a unique series of 12 interactive webinar courses that prepares you for what’s about to happen to your body and gets you ready to face the dreaded “M” word head on!
Cushion the Blow with Menopause University!
Menopause University is all about YOU. It’s about helping you understand what to expect, and it’s about helping you know how to deal with each potential issue as it arises. It’s about informing you of your treatment options – ALL OF THEM – from conventional therapies to some of the newer and experimental alternative therapies.
As an advanced gynecologic physician for more than 12 years, I’ve already helped thousands of women just like you take the steps to banish their symptoms and lead normal, healthy lives as they encounter this unavoidable transition. Now, I’m inviting you to register for the entire Menopause University series at an unheard-of low price so I can show you too how to breeze through menopause!
Menopause University Is A Full 12-Week Course Is Open To Women Of All Ages And Gives You All This:
Twelve conveniently scheduled 90-minute LIVE weekly webinars, where you’ll get to interact directly with me, Dr. Micki Haendiges, as I examine a new menopausal topic each week in-depth.
Course Action Guide and seminar highlights for you to reference as symptoms occur.
Guest speakers who specialize in key menopausal issues such as breast cancer, depression and bone health.
The opportunity to ask me, my expert staff and guest speakers any question whatsoever from the comfort of your own home.
Regular, unlimited access to me via email so you can ask me anything at all. I guarantee I’ll personally respond to you within 24 hours!
Digital Recordings of each seminar for you to download and to listen to on your own time and at your leisure. These recordings are perfect, whether you miss the live seminar or whether you just want to view it again!
With Menopause University, there’s no beginning, middle or end – there’s just 12 individual sessions that I constantly rotate throughout the year, so you can start anytime and always get the full series! I hold a different class every week for 12 weeks, so you can start any time, stay in for 12 weeks and never miss a single session!
I designed Menopause University to address questions and concerns from women just like you. But I also designed it to educate you about the bigger issues you may not be anticipating. Here’s just a small sample of the topics I’ll cover and the tips you’ll learn about:
Why Menopause Is A Natural And Normal Change And Why Women Of Other Cultures Look Forward To Their Menopausal Transition
Why You’re Going To Get Hot Flashes, Why They Keep You Up At Night And What You Can Do To Stop Them
Why You’re At Risk For Pelvic Organ Prolapse (Your Insides Falling Out) And How You Need To Handle It If It Happens To You
How Menopause Increases Your Risk For Breast Cancer And What You Need To Do If You Get It
Why You’re Going To Experience Vaginal Dryness And Urinary Changes And What You Can Do About It
How Everything From Your Hormones To Your Diet Impacts Your Risk For Osteoporosis And How You Can Prevent It
How Menopause Increases Your Risk For Cardiovascular Disease And How You Can Reduce Those Risks
Why Your Desire For Sex Will Decrease During Menopause And What Steps You Need To Take To Improve Your Libido And Lead A Healthy Sex Life
How Hormonal Changes Wreak Havoc On Your Emotions And What You Can Do To Prevent Mood Swings
Why You Might Need Hormone Replacement Therapy And Which Therapies Are Best For Your Unique Situation
Which Foods Can Literally Prevent Adverse Menopausal Side-Effects And Which Supplements You Must Take During Menopause
How To Speak To Your Own Doctor About Which Individual Treatments And Therapies Are Right For You.
Ladies, You Can Go Through Menopause Alone, But You Don’t Have To!
Menopause University Is Here To Make Your Transition Easier Than Ever. We provide all the menopause information you will ever need to cope with any menopausal symptoms.
Ask yourself this - Are you ready to face Menopause alone? Or do you want to join women across the country who have already chosen Menopause University to answer their questions and help them win the battle against menopause?
You don’t have to take my word for it though. I’ve helped thousands of women learn to cope with their menopause symptoms, and wipe out symptoms altogether. Take a moment to see what other women suffering from the effects of menopause have to say about how Menopause University helped them:
Real Life Testimonies
How Menopause University Is Far Better
Than Your Regular Doctor’s Visit
When you go to the doctor’s, how much time do you get to spend actually speaking to your doctor? 10, maybe 15 minutes AT BEST? And what do you pay – a $20 or $30 copay? At the end of the visit, it’s no surprise if you feel rushed and cheated all at the same time!
Isn’t your health and wellbeing too important to be rushed? And don’t you want to get more value for your money? Don’t get me wrong – you need to see your doctor, and by no means is Menopause University intended to replace your regular doctor’s visits. Instead, what it’s meant to do is to supplement them, and to help you understand menopause enough so that you can discuss which treatment options are right for you. Too many times, I’ve heard horror stories of women who were prescribed the wrong treatments for their symptoms, and I never want that to happen to you!
With Menopause University, you get to tap into my many years of experience and expertise for at least 90 minutes each week! With each new session, I take the time to share with you everything you need to know about the topic at hand, from explaining the symptoms to teaching you how you can beat them using conventional and alternative therapies.
But that’s not all! When you register for Menopause University right now, I’m giving you THREE FREE GIFTS.
Free Gifts
“Dr. Micki, That’s It. I’m Convinced!
I Need Menopause University! How Do I Enroll?”
Well, I’m sure glad you asked! Enrolling in Menopause University is easy - And you can do it for a steal! In fact, at only $19.95 per session, each session costs less than your average co-pay! And $19.95 gives you all this:
Access to the live seminar, plus all the seminar materials and notes.
You’ll also get the opportunity to download the recorded seminar afterward so you can refer back to it on your own time.
But that’s not all – I’m also allowing you to email me any time, whenever you want with any questions you ever have about your experiences with menopause. And I’m giving you my unconditional guarantee that I’ll personally reply to your emails within 24 hours!
To get started, just click on this link below and complete the order form. You’ll get your 3 FREE GIFTS immediately, and I’ll send your log-in instructions for your very first session. Your initial charge will be $19.95 and will cover the next regularly scheduled webinar. Then, once a week for the next 11 weeks, you’ll be charged $19.95 for each remaining webinar in the series. And don’t forget, if you’re not available for the seminar at the regularly scheduled time, there’s no need to worry – I’ll always send you a link so you can download the recorded webinar and watch it on your computer at any time you’d like.
Looking forward to seeing you at Menopause University!
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