Aug 4, 2009

Cattle in Transportation


Cattle in Transportation

India has more than 6,00,000 villages, many which do not have asphalted motorable roads. In hilly regions where even a horse cannot tread, oxen can pull their carts with ease.

Superiority of Ox Carts :

Bullock Cart

Bullock Cart

  • Boasting of the largest rail road network of the world, Indian Railways transported 55.7 crore tons of goods in 2004-05. In the same year, the humble ox carts transported 278.5 crore tons!
  • In that year, trains moved 511.2 crore passengers while ox carts had 2044.8 crore customers!
  • Oxen have carried up to 14 ton goods non-stop 24 hours, without water and food.
  • Most importantly, the carts do not produce air or sound pollution.

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